Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Child Abuse?!

So this has been happening for a while but I'm not sure what to think or do about it. My upstairs neighbors that live diagonal from us (I've never seen or met them at all) have a toddler it sounds like; And from about 10am to 2pm every other day, I'd hear very loud cries and screams.. Followed by a very distinct "SHUT UP!!" and a very loud bang or thrashing sound.. THEN followed by a hurtful cry/scream... And more louder banging and thrashing sounds.

Now my first thought was that this woman is beating her child. Because the cries don't sound like normal cries (for example, a cry for food/milk) it sounds like cries of pain... And I'm sitting there cringing because it makes me sick and feel sorry for the child. Friends that have stayed over have heard it as well and agree with me. The thing is.. what should I do? I'm not absolutely 100% sure if this is really happening or if I'm just thinking for the worse. I don't wanna report it and then it happens to be a false assumption. :/

Or it could possibly be a babysitter and not the actual parent that's abusing the kid... Which is just as terrible.

If it continues though, I just might report it, regardless.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Korea Town

I've gotta say, it's pretty nice to live right next to Korea Town. I went in to the market today to get some Philippine sausage, and I was minding my business, half listening to the song playing over the loud speakers. It sounded kinda familiar so I listened closely, And they were playing G-Dragon's "A Boy"! I was excited because where I work, they always play Jessica Simpson or something like that. So I had a smirk on my face while I was shopping because I knew this song and started kinda singing along with it in my head. Then after that, they started playing what sounded like 2NE1's "In The Club". I was thinking at first "No way?" And sure enough, it was. Happy shopping experience for me =)

It's also easy access to Pho shops and korean bakeries. Mmmmm. If I ever move, that is one thing I will miss about this area.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Best Buy can suck it.

I think that's the last time I'm gonna go into Best Buy by myself.

Firstly, WHY does it always smell like nerdy sweat in there? WHY?! Oh that's right. Technology, games, computers, music, etc. I get it. And it was like 80% asian people in there. I am not being racist or racial here, because I am asian... I am merely stating the obvious. Not that I have anything against my own kind of people.

Once I stepped in there, it smelled like sweaty socks. I could not browse the place properly. Not to mention the workers there are poorly trained or perhaps somehow they just decide to hire anything with legs. I was at the Computer section, looking at the video cards, and some guy there walks up behind me and in a monotone creepy voice says "Can I help you?!" It kind of startled me, and when I turned around, it was some scrawny asian kid that worked there. First of all, what kind of customer service is that? He didn't seem like he wanted to help me at all, despite asking me if I needed help. He just wanted to look "busy" in front of his co-workers it seems. And practically yelling "CAN I HELP YOU" will not get a customer to feel comfortable asking about something.

Learn a few things about customer service, fucking noob.

If he would have waited until I made eye contact with him, or said something like "Excuse me, is there something I can help you find?" or "Hello there ma'am, are you finding everything okay?" then I might have considered being courteous in return. So I just muttered half-politely "No thanks, just looking around." Two minutes later, I see him out of the corner of my eye walking towards me in another aisle. I turn the other way to look at computer monitors to kind of avoid him, and he walks up to me again and said "Sooo.. is there something I can help you find or... what?" I kind of scoffed a bit and said "No, I'm just browsing really." And he stands there staring at me as I look at the shelves. At this point, I'm kind of uncomfortable. Then he says "You know, my best friend is Filipino" ..Immediately my face turned into this --> o_O. I was like "Oh, that's cool. Wait, how did you know I was filipino?" And he points to my purse with my keychain hanging out of it that had the Philippine flag. So I just laughed and slowly walked off.

I pretty much walk around over to the other side of the store where the CD's and DVD's were, and I see that guy again, just watching me from a distance. Then when I was about to leave, a man walks up to me and says "Hello Miss, I noticed you walked passed me a few times and I also noticed you're not smiling. Why don't you smile?" He was black, and looked like he was about 30 years old. I simply said "That's just how I am, It's just my normal facial expression" Then he goes on about asking me where I'm from and how old I am and how I'm apparently old enough to go out and hang out blah blah blah. At this point it's pretty obvious what his intentions were, although I kind of saw it coming as soon as he asked why I don't smile.

I honestly was afraid he was gonna try to follow me to the car and try to kidnap me or something, so I waited until there were quite a few people in the parking lot before I left the store to get to the car. And left as fast as I could.

I find I can't ever really go shopping and be satisfied at the end of the day. Something always happens or I never find what I'm looking for. Such is life.

Happy 2010

That's right. Happy New Year, folks. It's the end of a decade and the start of a year of endless possibilities. Good luck to every one and be safe.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I will just let the pictures speak for themselves today.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Hm. I'm so terrible at making blog updates...

To start with, I don't even really know what to talk about. I got one major holiday over with at work (Thanksgiving). And now for the Christmas rush. I actually like the holidays, it's just so stressful sometimes. I love the holiday music, the cold winter air, the wintery fashion, the whole gift-exchange thing. I'm just at a loss for words that 2010 is coming so soon. I feel like this year zoomed by so fast. It had its highlights, though. I've gotten the opportunity to do some good things this year.

On another note, I've been taking foreign language. Currently in Unit 2 of Mandarin stuff. I really need to study it carefully or I'll end up losing it and it will be a waste. I like the challenge, though.

This year, I will probably not be able to buy everybody a gift. And that is mostly due to insufficient funds. I haven't been given that many hours at work, and my bills are haunting me. Hopefully though, I will still be able to do something nice for my friends and family at least. Perhaps 2010 will be filled with more excitement and possibilities.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Neko neko neko.

So I have a new kitten. I'm not really supposed to have a cat since my complex doesn't allow pets. But she is so cute! She is a rescued kitten... She was the smallest out of the litter of 6 kittens I believe, and was the weakest. She was pretty much about to die... a co-worker, Julie took her to the vet and now she's doing perfectly fine. She's eating, playing, and everything. She's such a sweet kitty. I hope we get to keep her. Her name is Eva.

Hm, also I got Dissidia Final Fantasy! It came with a separate case with gold print <3 It's pretty fun so far, I just gotta get used to Aerial combats. So excited!