Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I will just let the pictures speak for themselves today.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Hm. I'm so terrible at making blog updates...

To start with, I don't even really know what to talk about. I got one major holiday over with at work (Thanksgiving). And now for the Christmas rush. I actually like the holidays, it's just so stressful sometimes. I love the holiday music, the cold winter air, the wintery fashion, the whole gift-exchange thing. I'm just at a loss for words that 2010 is coming so soon. I feel like this year zoomed by so fast. It had its highlights, though. I've gotten the opportunity to do some good things this year.

On another note, I've been taking foreign language. Currently in Unit 2 of Mandarin stuff. I really need to study it carefully or I'll end up losing it and it will be a waste. I like the challenge, though.

This year, I will probably not be able to buy everybody a gift. And that is mostly due to insufficient funds. I haven't been given that many hours at work, and my bills are haunting me. Hopefully though, I will still be able to do something nice for my friends and family at least. Perhaps 2010 will be filled with more excitement and possibilities.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Neko neko neko.

So I have a new kitten. I'm not really supposed to have a cat since my complex doesn't allow pets. But she is so cute! She is a rescued kitten... She was the smallest out of the litter of 6 kittens I believe, and was the weakest. She was pretty much about to die... a co-worker, Julie took her to the vet and now she's doing perfectly fine. She's eating, playing, and everything. She's such a sweet kitty. I hope we get to keep her. Her name is Eva.

Hm, also I got Dissidia Final Fantasy! It came with a separate case with gold print <3 It's pretty fun so far, I just gotta get used to Aerial combats. So excited!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Work work work

Bleh, so they've been giving me strange hours at work lately. Although that's not really that unusual, I've been feeling so drained. I do need the money though, so I guess that's a plus, but UGH. My body cant take it much longer lol. The past few weeks have been pretty busy. Pista, Sister's wedding, Nicki's birthday, etc. Was an eventful week, but draining! Money-wise as well. So now I've got to save up all over again.

Thinking of attending PAX this year. Never been. Should be fun?!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sister's Wedding!

My sister got married yesterday, and it was a beautiful ceremony. I'm so happy for her and Michael! Congratulations!! Or CONGRADUATION! (Inside joke, we were at the reception, and as we were leaving the restaurant, this tour bus filled with Korean tourists were walking in and saw my sister and her husband and shouted out "Congraduation" instead of Congratulations. It was hilarious.)

Thats me in the green dress. The Maid of Honor ^_~

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Pista Sa Nayon!

I had fun at Pista. But it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO fucking HOT. I'm not even kidding. It was damn near 104 degrees F. And it didn't help that there were hundreds of people around.

Anyway, I loved the performances. There was a hip hop dance group called Royal Dynasty or something, and they were pretty much a whole bunch of AWESOME. Especially the flamboyant gay-ish guy who was killin' it and hittin every single move. It was great. There was also a bigger group that followed that had a cute little girl dancing with them. She was only like 6 years old, maybe less! It was adorable.

I got to eat some good food, have some Halo Halo <3 and chill. Well, not chill cause it was HOT. =P But you get it!


Hmmmm. Trying out this whole blogspot thing. I usually never really keep up with journal/blog-type sites, but we'll see how this goes lol. I usually write like 4 entries, then forget about it for MONTHS. Probably due to laziness and plain old forgetfulness. But what can I say, I have other things to do. Or do I...

Whatever? HI. Name is Leah, but most people call me Ley. Well, fairly close people who've known me for a bit. Uh, me in a nutshell: Short, Filipino, 22 years of age, Nerd at heart, Closet gamer, Art fanatic, Music lover. RLY. In fact, I will put what I just said in my description.